Make-Believe Resume


Smith-wife of wrought- iron raillery,
flattery fabricator,

inventor of tin alphabets, metallurgist of unalloyed wonderworlds,

welder of ironies
in bricolaged genres scavenged & melded,

smelter of lead into gold, scribe, manuscript decorator, engraver & lily-gilder—

will call down the gods ghostwrite love notes spell-cast, praise the dead.






—ache—We—couldn’t—hang— —in—anymore—We—were—unfitted—down—to—

—bone— —String—theory’s—charged—sexual—particles—unclasped— —and—we—

—kissed—a—last—good-night—exposing— the—gaps—where—we—couldn’t—pretend

—to—cultured—pearl— —We—loosed—the—bond—that—necklaced—us——One—by




Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche, Volume 8, Number 4, pp. 8–9, Print ISSN 1934-2039, Online ISSN 1934-2047.
Coco Owen, published with license by the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. DOI: 10.1080/19342039.2014.956389.